77 definitions by neil

you dont want to konw
she stank of flapsnot man!!!1

her flap snot was so sticky o_O
by neil November 15, 2004
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A Geezer is a male englishman who likes drinking, football, and violence, preferably all at the same time. Wants to be the typical cockney jack the lad. They dress up smart to normally pull 'birds' favourites being Stone Island and Burberry. Theyre basically like a better meaner version of a Chav and not bad people to know aslong as you just prove your a 'geezer'. Sorted me ol' mucker...
watch the film 'Lockstock and Two Smoking barrels'
by neil January 8, 2005
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"A hidden Ben is where one person engages in sexual intercourse with a girl while a friend hides in a closet masturbating. When the friend in the closet is about to cum, he runs out and gives the girl a facial. The term originated from the hit TV show Just Ben."
Person 1: Yo man, Ryan was fucking some girl, and then Ben jumped outta the closet and gave her a Hidden Ben
Person 2: Shit!
by neil June 20, 2006
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any group of organic compounds that collaborate with sugar, starch, cellulose, gum and other crap and servers as a major enregy source in animals. made by plants that need sunlight fo photysynthesis.
how many carbs in that sub jared? carbs? fool this is atkins!
by neil March 9, 2005
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A piece of paper given to you (worse than detention)when you do something very very wrong. And you get sent down to the principal's office
Mrs. Campbell gave me a referral because she asked me 5 times to stop talking
by neil May 17, 2006
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Roger always looks forward to his lie-in on Sunday mornings.
by neil February 9, 2004
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