766 definitions by me


the essence of pure and uninterrupted beauty, like the meadows of heaven.
i am soooooo hot and have cute sexy eyes
by me March 16, 2004
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When one's underwear rides up their butt, usually resulting in a skidmark.
I sniffed her panties after she had a wedgie, they smelled great!!!
by me September 19, 2003
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slurpy machine

It's a tool of the devil.
I pissed in the slurpy machine.
by me September 28, 2003
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a result in when a lion and tiger breed.

ligers, and thier close cousins, tigons are all unisex.
look what came out of that lion/tiger! a liger/tigon!
by me January 22, 2005
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Town in which they have an awesome softball team but a sucky everything else especially roads and the coolest person ever lives there! (me)
I live in Hopatcong you know the place with the shitty roads.
by me June 12, 2004
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