32 definitions by martay


to laugh evily at somones misfortune
todd " dude, the stormtrooper, he's been flambunted, and tossed out on the sidewalk"

CJ *snickers*
by martay February 25, 2003
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dude, i wish i had some miggart
by martay March 5, 2003
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The main elemant in the grand army of the Man, it is responsible fo rcrushing more pink cookies than all others combined
The multi colored swat team strikes again
by martay February 18, 2003
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a succesful mans fort
i go ta wash and wax in my bosses office
by martay February 20, 2003
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th place where shoot someone, where the bullet goes
Dizzle, that Nizzle Shizzled Me in the Gizzight
by martay February 18, 2003
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the stormtroopers pad, it is his bat cave, which none can enter without his knowing
wow, your hand jsut went straight to the luge
by martay April 28, 2003
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Todd " dude, i dunno how to say this but"
Charlie " dude, i know, she caught you in the act and flambunted you
Todd" *sniff* yeah man, yeah
by martay February 25, 2003
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