152 definitions by m


Shorty has some fine nukas!
by m July 3, 2003
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"Mither when's dinner?"
by m February 15, 2005
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Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe. See also Thorpedo.
Thorpey and Hoogie are SO getting it on, I don't care what they say.
by m March 19, 2005
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the cross between a moron and an asshole basicallya really annoying person
by m June 16, 2003
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I was so chapped when she threw that martini at me.
by m November 5, 2003
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Navid came up with the word... dunno why...
Is there one? www.flangemoney.com
by m April 19, 2005
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The act of one or more people engaging in the smoking of marijuana
Dude, let's go snipe at the Palisades Mall parking lot!

Bro, I just totally sniped with your sister...
by m June 18, 2006
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