152 definitions by m

Yo homie, ill be right back, gotta take a pizzle
by m July 2, 2003
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aka a terrorist aka a person who uses violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Al-Queda suicide bombers killed thousands of New Yorkers on 9-11-01.
by m February 19, 2004
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"Damn, did you see that fat slut? What a skankopotamus!"
by m February 24, 2005
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Shorty has some fine nukas!
by m July 3, 2003
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My laptop's been choking up pretty badly recently... speed-wise, that is. I'm going to see if I need a defrag or something.
by m January 17, 2005
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Tortured by his own angst, But greates Musician that ever lived and thats what makes his music great!
by m February 14, 2003
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