152 definitions by M
variant of meathead, but with the bovine provlivity of standing around blinking stupidly when any word of more than one syllable is spoken to them. Beefheads are also more heavily built than meathead. Academics are currently devising a standardised physiological test which will be able to identify which football players are meatheads and which qualify as beefheads
by M May 16, 2003
by M April 2, 2003
To get high from marijuana
Hey, I am so gripped, I could eat anything right now. Or, man, I wish I had some grip,I can watch anything stupid and think it is the funniest thing I have ever seen!
by M January 14, 2004
Anthony, the biggest fuck boy stupid bitch fucker you will ever meet. He's ugly, he probably does crack, he plays girls, uses and abuses. Don't ever go for an Anthony.
by M March 12, 2015
When u tried to chat up that girl she blanked you. Rowdy-o!!
That guy carried on rowdy-o in that fight yesterday.
That guy carried on rowdy-o in that fight yesterday.
by M January 26, 2004
Tortured by his own angst, But greates Musician that ever lived and thats what makes his music great!
by M February 14, 2003
by M February 24, 2005