190 definitions by luke

Tuskan Punch: (noun) When engaging in sexual activity, a male clubs his partner with his penis, using it as a "Gaffi Stick," and sceams out the Tuskan Raider battle cry from Star Wars.
"I was hitting it doggy style when I pulled out and gave her a Tuskan Punch. AARRR ARR ARR ARR AAAARRRR!!!!!"
by luke December 6, 2004
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John is an offie because he likes to talk shit about people behind their back
by luke October 15, 2003
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The opposite of word l33t.
Man that is so Peter P.
by luke January 30, 2003
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commanly used by dumb townies usually followed by innit, who have nothing better to say or do cos they still have a mental age of six and think there well ard' govner, when really they are complete tossers who no-one like, should die
by luke December 9, 2003
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"I want to touch the hinie!"
by luke October 18, 2001
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I feel so dirty'n'old.
I'm not touching you. You're dirty'n'old.
by luke January 8, 2005
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It is the of spring of Big pimpin so when u aint big pimpin u are meadium pimpin
So what's up man, aint u out big pimpin tonight?

No, i have to be Medium Pimpin cause i am low on tha chetter
by luke November 12, 2004
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