17 definitions by lilly

So sexy, it makes you want tbe insane.
Benny and Joon...says all.
by lilly January 16, 2004
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urk. ppl who wear tracksuits (evry day) an tops dat say "BOSTON" who knows y. they hang round shopping centres, not buying n e thing apart from a big mac. girl townies ave fake louie vuiton bags that r the size of ur hand. sum of them have dummies, hung round their necks on string (in amongst the keys and phone also hangind there), probably for their 3 children. boy townies have fake burbery caps pointin to da sun (although they mostly come out at night, like wearwolves), so therefor there is no point of them.they ride little bikes, so their knees touch their chin.they think theyre "wicked man init" but "naaarrrrrrr mannnnn dey aint init"
townie 1 : so like wat dya wanna do?
townie 2 : u startin on me? u startin?????? u want some BEEF?
townie 1 : oooooo u wan some beef i givin ya some BEEF"!!!!!!
passer-by : do you think he is offering that boy a burger?
townie 1 and 2 : ya startin on me????? i bash ya up maaannnnn !
by lilly August 3, 2004
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It means hello, goodbye, or all right, most commonly mistakened to mean a person from Mexico.
Flo : Ok I have to go!
Melissa : Ok Beaners!
Flo : Beaners! = P
Flo : *leaves*
by lilly December 17, 2003
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The very coolest personal site on the planet.
Have you seen the new layout on asmodeus.net? It rocks!
by lilly November 18, 2003
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A step above whit trash.

Grawley walks the fine line between the target and walmart shoppers. Its the thin line between bad haircut and mullet.
Eating a cracker and then squirting cheeze wiz directly into your mouth is grawley. Pink Flamingos are grawley. Rigging you attena with foil is grawley. Dipping fried chicken into a bowl of honey is grawley. Get the point yet?
by lilly February 11, 2003
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can also be "droobs" or "droobage", droopy boobs.
"Man, that 1,000 year old lunch lady sure has 2 droobs"
by lilly November 16, 2004
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1. Quiet, Sweet, Artistic, Intelegent Male, Who is dedicated to Music
2. Drummer from Britain's number one rock band, The Darkness
3. See also 'Sexiful'
Ed Graham is Sexiful
by lilly March 9, 2004
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