333 definitions by lauren

A snotch, who is referred to as James Lynn by Lauren W, whom enjoys playing loud tunes in the control room. Usually saids phrases like "Take a chance you stupid, hoe", "Hot Damn", "Amanda S's hot", and "Fuck You". Laughs uncontrollably when someone talks dirty.
Shorti, look at Xu play those tuns like no one has ever played before.
by lauren February 24, 2005
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a "fall-back" fuckbuddy. if you're civilized, it actually refers to a human being.
Kara fell way hard for Richard, but she's totally his goat.
by lauren February 6, 2003
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short for casual (sounds like the first half of casual)
by lauren September 1, 2003
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it means, yeah sure-in a sarcastic way.
"my day was better, cause i was in it" -"yelhsa"
by lauren March 16, 2004
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when you blow directly on someone's bare skin resulting in a tickling sensation for the other person and makes a 'farting' sound, usually done on ones stomache
I gave my boyfriend a raspberry the other day and then we just started tickling eachother
by lauren November 15, 2004
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What a guy calls a girl to get something out of her.
Guy:Because you wont sleep with me you're a prude.
by lauren March 10, 2005
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