333 definitions by lauren

freaked out, especially when under the influence of a drug
"joel was getting all sketched out cause he thought his mom was going to know he's been smoking"
by lauren August 31, 2003
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one of the many poor, poor girls who are only attracted to the pricks, or who all the pricks are attracted to.
*sob* I haven't been able to get a good lay since I became prickbait! *sob*
by lauren February 20, 2003
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"5- i gotta buffalo"
by lauren September 1, 2003
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A snotch, who is referred to as James Lynn by Lauren W, whom enjoys playing loud tunes in the control room. Usually saids phrases like "Take a chance you stupid, hoe", "Hot Damn", "Amanda S's hot", and "Fuck You". Laughs uncontrollably when someone talks dirty.
Shorti, look at Xu play those tuns like no one has ever played before.
by lauren February 24, 2005
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