45 definitions by juan


This defenition is used for a cool, volumptuious, fine kitty-cat who gets all the men, but is honorable to just one. This background comes from mid-eighteenth century in southern new york and traveled downward during the century to where it reached Cuba and is now mainly used in southern Florida.
" That chick is acting like such a yessenia. WOW! I don't want her, I want a bitch!!"
by juan January 10, 2005
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by juan December 29, 2004
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Ey vato, look out for la jura up the street.
by juan August 27, 2003
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Urban slang that is short for young'n, which is short for young one. An integral part of DC slang.
"Git off me young before I steal yo ass."
by juan February 18, 2005
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ugly pimpley boy with annoying voice
Tell that NilkNarf kid to stop comming over and asking about Mvc2
by juan April 4, 2004
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Dolly Pop

An extreme orgasm that results in a long stream of jizz.
I had not had sex for six months so when I finally did I had the biggest Dolly Pop ever.
by juan March 7, 2005
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A really attractive guy. A guy who get's more girls than seemingly possible by his looks.
by juan December 17, 2003
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