93 definitions by jp

An oriental massage parlor where men go for a hand-job and massage by an asian.
Let's hit the local jap-and-slap.
by jp January 23, 2004
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1) a total waste of human existence, even more so than any other possible waste of human existence.
2) a lover of the cock
by jp November 5, 2003
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This pizza is the damnshit
by jp January 20, 2005
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King Tubby (real name Osbourne Ruddock; b.1949, d.1981) was the dub pioneer and remix godfather. In the 1970s Tubby's sonic science transformed the way music was made and listened to in Jamaica and around the world. Studio boffins everywhere are in his debt.
'Tubby's right, with all the Drum & Bass ting now, dem ting just start by accident, a man sing off-key, an' when you reach a dat you drop out everthing an' leave the drum, an' lick in the bass, an' cause a confusion, an' people like it...we say "Yes, Tubbs, madness the people dem like it!"' (Bunny Lee, producer/mentor, contemporary of Tubby)
by jp January 21, 2005
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A post on a blog that readers will love, but doesn't take much work on your part to post.

A subject that is such a good fit for the genre of your blog that your readers will eat it up.
The latest Ann Coulter book filled with distortions will provide tons of blogcandy for the liberal blogiverse.
by jp November 7, 2003
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The date of December 25th probably originated with the ancient "birthday" of the son-god, Mithra, a pagan deity whose religious influence became widespread in the Roman Empire during the first few centuries A.D. Mithra was related to the Semitic sun-god, Shamash, and his worship spread throughout Asia to Europe where he was called Deus Sol Invictus Mithras. Rome was well-known for absorbing the pagan religions and rituals of its widespread empire. As such, Rome converted this pagan legacy to a celebration of the god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god during the winter solstice period. The winter holiday became known as Saturnalia and began the week prior to December 25th. The festival was characterized by gift-giving, feasting, singing and downright debauchery, as the priests of Saturn carried wreaths of evergreen boughs in procession throughout the Roman temples.
Jesus was not born on December 25th. He was 33 1/2 when he died on Nisan 14 which is in April. Do the math.
by jp December 23, 2003
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A system used by federal agencies to track and indicate fiscal dates in a filing system.
According to the indicators of the Perry System this file is ready for archiving.
by jp January 6, 2005
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