29 definitions by joemammy

Little baby stomach syndrome. The condition that occurs when you can't handle your food or your alcohol.
Ex 1: My boy used to be able to KNOCK plates at the buffet, but lately he's been eating like a little bee-yetch!
Ex 2: "Haha look at Timmy! He just shotgunned a four loko and got a baddd case of LBSS. He looks like he's straight time travelin."
by joemammy April 29, 2015
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Taking your shirt off the second you get within twenty feet of water, regardless of how sloppy looking you are. Dignity and self-respect are meaningless when practicing 'sun's out, tum's out'.
Dude 1: Jody can't go near a body of water while keeping his shirt on. Check him out over there in the kiddy pool splashing water on his gut.

Dude 2: Sun's out, tum's out bro. Stop shaming.
by joemammy August 2, 2019
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A slob with a gelatin-like body. These people are frequently seen on My Morbidly Obese Life lifting up their folds to bathe. Don't feel bad for these people, they did it to themselves.
Jody used to rest bags of Cheetos on his gut while he watched WWE. What a sloptart.
by joemammy August 2, 2019
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When a white person asks you who raps that, just say Fetty Wop. They won't know any different.
Urkel: Yo dude this that new Carter 5?

Friend: Na it's fetty wop.

Urkel: Oh, duh! Just like the last five songs.
by joemammy September 3, 2016
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A word used to describe a location with a plethora of extravagant looking females that act in ways that aren't deemed acceptable to society's standards.
Man....I cannot wizzait to go to school tomorrow! It's so freaking hoetastic.
by joemammy March 1, 2007
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A level of intercourse reached when you're going for broke.
When you're girl is getting moody take her to pound town. If you're in need of further assistance Google Ron Jeremy. Thank me later horndogs.
by joemammy July 20, 2019
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