34 definitions by jmspaesq

The Googleverse is the universe of Google soon to be owned by Google.
Everywhere I look I see the Googleverse, there is the Google Earth, the Google Sky and beyond.
by jmspaesq November 18, 2010
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A feckless leader is a politician or leader of any group or organization who is totally and utterly incompetent, worthless, irresponsible, lazy, stupid and/or irresponsible. Feckless leaders tend to be arrogant and ignorant and often rise to the top while leading their followers to the bottom. An idiocracy is led by the most feckless of all leaders.
Our feckless leaders have always been intent on repeating the mistakes of the past rather than learning from them, and insist on boldly leading us right off a cliff.
by jmspaesq October 31, 2010
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The end of the world following the election of the Trumphole

trumpagogue trumpertantrumtrumpholetrumpagoguerytrumplydytedonhole
Within weeks of the election of the Trumphole the inevitable Trumpageddon occurred

trumpagogue trumpertantrumtrumpholetrumpagoguerytrumplydytedonhole
by jmspaesq November 2, 2015
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noun) - Description of a person addicted to modifying, hacking, downloading apps for and otherwise generally obsessing about their Google Android device. You can spot a droiddict because they will be playing with their phone, and speaking of the latest ROM or build they have just flashed to the device. You will see them staying up most of the night to check Android Developer forums for things to flash and they will most likely be carrying a usb sync cable for "on the go downloads". The droiddict will be downloading apps constantly and telling all their friends about them.
Frank never puts down that T-Mobile G2, he is a droiddict for sure!

Frank is a self proclaimed droidhead, he said something abouting rooting his HTC Smartphone Device
by jmspaesq November 7, 2010
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1. The Bacon Party is a new political party which is trying to establish a baconocracy where bacon RULES! Bacon will rule wisely and benevolently. In this politically divided country our best hope for unity is to unite behind bacon. Only bacon can win a true mandate. The bacon party has a vision of world peace where all the diverse peoples of the world unite behind bacon. As we all know, bacon makes everything better. The motto of the bacon party is VOTE FOR GREASE!!!

2. A bacon party is any party where bacon is served. Since bacon makes everything better, any party where bacon is served is automatically more fun!
1. In the 2012 election the bacon party won in a greaseslide!

2. I was lucky enough to be invited to a bacon party last night!
by jmspaesq November 9, 2010
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A Baconpendent is an Independent who has finally committed to something politifcally and wisely switched to the Bacon Party where bacon lovers have united to help bring about a Baconocracy where we will be ruled wisely and benevolently by a Baconator, bacon will win in a greaseslide! Ask yourself, would you rather have a tea party or a bacon party? VOTE FOR BACON!!!
My friend who was an Independent came to her senses, found a party she could identify with, finally took a stand, and switched to the Bacon Party and so became a Baconpendent!
by jmspaesq November 14, 2010
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