34 definitions by jmspaesq
The Grand Hypocrisy Party (GHP) is also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP) or the Republican party also known as the Repugnicant Party. They say one thing and do another. Their stated ideology is completely intellectually inconsistent and filled with hypocrisy.
The Grand Hypocrisy Party says that they believe in small government, yet what they mean is small enough to fit into your bedroom and personal life where they insist on legislating their own narrow minded morality. They say they believe in fiscal discipline, complain about deficit spending, yet advocate tax cuts for the top 2% of the ultra wealthy and yet don't even pretend to offer a way to pay for them. They say they believe in the Constitution yet have acted to undercut the Constitutional rights of the People and advocate amending the Constitution and abolishing Amendments that guarantee people fundamental rights!
by jmspaesq October 30, 2010
The choices in the election were a Republican, a Democrat, a Tea Bagger, an Indepedent and BACON and BACON won in a landslide voters overwhelmingly chose a Baconocracy over every other political party or system of Government! It is often said that baconocracy is the worst form of Government--except for all the others!
by jmspaesq November 5, 2010
by jmspaesq November 8, 2010
1. A Repugnicant is a Republican automoton, one who automatically repeats talking points from various Republican demoagogues
2. A Repugnicant is a member of the political party that calls itself the Republican party
3. A Repugnicant is a shameless shill for ultra wealthy corporate interests who consistently works against the interests of the American people
4. A Repugnicant is a member of the Tea Bagger Party who holds the most extreme and often bizzare views
5. A Repugnicant is an arrogant self righteous politician intent on imposing their own morality on America
2. A Repugnicant is a member of the political party that calls itself the Republican party
3. A Repugnicant is a shameless shill for ultra wealthy corporate interests who consistently works against the interests of the American people
4. A Repugnicant is a member of the Tea Bagger Party who holds the most extreme and often bizzare views
5. A Repugnicant is an arrogant self righteous politician intent on imposing their own morality on America
Today I received a phone call from a Repugnicant who spouted hate and nonsense telling me to vote in the coming election and then learned that I didn't agree with them and started shouting and calling me names and then threatened me.
by jmspaesq October 31, 2010
Astrological Identity Disorder (AID) is the personality crisis engendered by the reording of the dates applicable to Zodiac Symbols recently announced. People who have spent their entire lives identifyin themselves as one sign or another and are suddenly something else are suffering anxiety, depression and fundamental identity crisis issues.
I spent my life as a Gemini and then found that I am a Taurus and experienced a sudden panic and outrage known as Astrological Identity Disorder (AID) and I stubbornly and bullishly REFUSE to be a Taurus!!! One beneficial result is that suddenly there are millions of born again Virgos!
by jmspaesq January 14, 2011
A Freudian Slip made on facebook, unlike Freudian slips this is written rather than spoken; a serious faux pas on facebook where the writer writes something other than what they ostensibly meant to say.
When his jealous wife was away my friend made an embarrassing faceFreudianbook slip when he posted on her facebook wall "Honey I wish you were her" when he ostenisbly meant to say "I wish you were here" OOOPS!
by jmspaesq October 24, 2010
by jmspaesq November 11, 2010