14 definitions by jimmy jammer

New Age contemporary eMo also known as schizophrenic rock.
"Buddy, have you listened to Option Two in my New corvette?"
by jimmy jammer April 29, 2003
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is a ghetto hoe of america running the Houston 500.
"Dude, pull your balls out of your mom's purse. We all know she's only a slamhole."
by jimmy jammer April 29, 2003
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Due to the steady flow of girls getting bored out all across the country, a now known symptom known as RBD's, seems to be prevelant among young women.
by jimmy jammer April 29, 2003
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all the answers to the questions of life are found in corner of the little white baggy.
Benjamin's Theory is closely related to don't get high on your own supply, it just doesn't work.
by jimmy jammer April 29, 2003
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