48 definitions by jane

things that are out of order but in acultish kind of way. For example....
Jesus action figures... Now thats cuntish!!! Get it?

Also the moving fountain pictures that you get in indian restaurants !

People can be cuntish too... Danny La Rue !! Now thats cuntish!!!
by jane January 21, 2004
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when someone or something is so hot u can't handle it and u orgasm
Taye Diggs made me orgasm on that show last night!
by jane February 24, 2005
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Having an animal on a lead - Now that's TISH!

Going to a tea shop and ordering a cream horn - NOW THAT'S TISH!

by jane March 2, 2005
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spoot comes from the great Angry Beavers...if you watch cartoons...the term comes out of my mouth instead of shit...
OH SPOOT KALES I JUST ABOUT HIT THAT OLD WOMAN! to bad i didnt that woulda been 30 points...
by jane June 2, 2004
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someone who is really fucking gay .A guy that sleeps with other dudes
a gay person walking down the street with a tight shirt on you say hey queerasshomo
by jane March 24, 2005
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A wide-eyed ugly girl staring at you like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
What's up, deerspotter?

by jane October 9, 2003
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a person who parks too close to another person.
way to go, closey mccloserson. you almost scratched my car.
by jane February 18, 2005
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