69 definitions by iwannabeanalcoholic

What emo boys have that make them make such sissy music. it is also said that emo girls have cocks
Oh man. my ovaries kicked in and now my third album totally sucks emogirl cock
by iwannabeanalcoholic August 27, 2004
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Another band that NO ONE would have listened to if the retro thing wasen't "in". Now you have Slipknot fans listening to The Beatles. Its Sad, SAD I TELL YOU!
SlIpKnoT FaN: Teacher, a few days ago was the death of John Lennon..I don't think we should do work today.
by iwannabeanalcoholic January 21, 2005
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The act of pouring tea onto wasabi. Then you mix it up and divide it into lines. Then with a straw you snort the wasabi to amuse the people around you. May or may not cause the snooter to throw up.
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 9, 2005
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Tekken is a fighting game that is developed by Namco. starting its roots on the Playstation with Tekken, Tekken 2 and Tekken 3 (best one, in my humble opinion) and later carried on to the Playstation 2 with Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 4 and Tekken 5. Though the game is a classic in the fighting genre of videogames, It offers no new game play. Basically you're being sold the same thing in different packaging with a few new perks.
Namco: How much more can we beat this dead horse?

Clint: I don't know. i think they'll catch on pretty soon.
by iwannabeanalcoholic April 21, 2005
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The worst thing to happen to humanity since Runescape. Fan Boys will play this game for hours on end while drinking bawls or Red Bull. And then will accuse everyone who beats them at it of being a hacker.
Words can't express my hate of this game.
by iwannabeanalcoholic May 17, 2005
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What everyone seems to be Nowadays. It seems to be the trendy "in" thing.
Ignorant teen: I hate america!!
some guy:Why do you hate america? we have it great here! Sure George W.Bush isen't the best thing that happened to America but that doesn't mean you have to hate the country that basically gives you the freedoms some other countries aren't allowed. We also have a huge supply of food that keeps you're fatass from starving, You spoiled twat.
by iwannabeanalcoholic March 17, 2005
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-A phrase spoken when you know you lost the argument but choose not to quit in spite of having no valid sources to support you're argument.

-Also when you are playing an online video game and you die/lose and are pissed off about it.

-And a way to tell someone to go away.
Clint: So therefor she is not a vegetable since she is moving and responding to people. The only way someone can be a vegetable is if they do not have any function of thier limbs or they are in a comatose state. In which Terri Schiavo is not a vegetable.

Joe:..Lick my nuts, asshole.
by iwannabeanalcoholic April 3, 2005
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