Jeremy is the most amazing guy ever! Jeremy is a tough guy, but he'll turn into a teddy bear for any girl he really loves. He gives the best guys, and loves holding hands, he's shy at first, but will get crazy as you get to know him! He is funny, hot, and has amazing eyes! He will listen to what you have to say and take it to heart, he will understad your problems
And stand by you. :) He is the best boyfriend ever! :) Jeremy will make you the happiest girl in the world, I promise you!
Friend hey, I heard your dating Jeremy!

me yep, I love him <3
friend he's so cute! Are you sure you like him?
by A person who loves Jeremy April 15, 2013
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A Soft Precious Boi Who Should Be protected. You would be lucky to have your own Jeremy. He is a shy, sweet, loving boi who is always there for his friends and will defend/protect them. Never hurt Jeremy because he is an emotional child that has been through a lot and tries to hide his hurt inside. You need to earn his trust before he can tell you how he truly feels. Love this boi because he care about you.
Person 1: “Awwww! How Adorable! Who was that guy?”

Person 2: “I know right? That was Jeremy!”
by BlastyBakuBoi February 10, 2019
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"What is Jeremy eating," said Jane.
"Probably a banana," replies Nick
by Handicapped Seal March 29, 2018
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Jeremy is a downright awesome guy. He's smart, funny, and a great friend. He's handsome and a bit of a heartbreaker.

The name Jeremy is also often given to a male who is born with a big brain/penis.
Guy: Damn, I wish I was like Jeremy!

Girl: Who's that hot new guy at school? I think half the girls have fallen for him already!
Friend: He's Jeremy.
by ASpasticTurtle December 2, 2012
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Known as “the quiet kid” will keep a semi auto in his back pack not afraid to pull it out at any time u give him shit don’t bully him
Kid 1: what rrr thoseee
Jeremy: reaches for bag....
by Straight faxts October 2, 2020
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A named based on the biblical name Jeremiah. Used as a name for children who are blessed with a large brain and/or penis. Also used as a replacement for "perfect".
We had a child and it had a very large penis so we named it Jeremy.
by Trenton Romulox December 3, 2006
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Jeremy is such an amazing guy who hides how he feels most the time. Jeremy is known for a liar but means well. A jeremy will piss you off and try to talk about it afterwards. If you get close to a jeremy, keep him close, if you can handle him, you will make a perfect match. Jeremy is hard to understand and will push who he says he loves away
Jeremy is so unpredictable
by Jrmz February 4, 2019
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