21 definitions by idk6000

A Linux based operating system that you should use btw.
Virgin: Hey guys I installed Ubuntu!
Chad: I use Arch Linux btw.
Virgin: 39 buried... 0 found.
by idk6000 April 28, 2022
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by idk6000 January 17, 2021
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by idk6000 February 15, 2021
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Funny "people" who have weird teeth and live where the queen lives, their diet is tea and crumpets.
Sco'ish ones are just bootlegs of bri'ish blokes
Oi m8 whots the day today?
It'z chewsday
oh it's chewsday again innit bruv?
want to go get sum tea and biscuits?
nah m8 i mostly prefer crumptets
oh us bri'ish mates are so cool aren't we bruv?
by idk6000 January 26, 2021
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When your gender suddenly vaporizes into a fluid like substance
I don't know why but i somehow became Gender Fluid
by idk6000 January 30, 2021
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A cursed word that when uttered, Any person with a Serbian background will attempt to kill you.
Person 1: I sure want to go to Kosovo one day.
Person 2: Koso- What did you say??
Person 1: Oh shi--
Person 2: KOSOVO IS SERBIA!!!!!
by idk6000 June 21, 2022
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The one and only man who will save our country from Sc*tt M*rrison.
We love his dong, is very very beeg.
Anthony Albanese will save Australia!
by idk6000 July 12, 2022
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