114 definitions by geoff

Material that such people as, Sammy Sosa, use in their bats to do better than others.
Sammy Sosa had all his bats x-rayed, but the only cork they found was in his ass.
by geoff June 17, 2003
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And adjective used by pretentious assholes who think their music is better than yours and will take every opportunity to tell you.
That band sucks. They are sell outs. I only listen to the old stuff. It's becoming too popular. I am so hardcore xXx.
by geoff May 11, 2005
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An incredibly homosexual man who loves to have all of his orfices penetrated with big man meat
Woah dude, I saw this gay porn the other day, the guy was such a KD!
by geoff October 13, 2003
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Plap - is to be used as a shorter version of penis-slap. This word as far as i know was developed by me and a few friends in a fast food restaurant sometime around Jan 04. The word plap was spread quickly around town as well as wherever we traveled.
by geoff January 15, 2005
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Create a magic carpet, then lie upon thy stichings and bless the lord for what you have done to keep it and not spank your own mother for her wrong doings. Thank You.
by geoff March 27, 2003
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A person who flops his cock out when with a girl, then has it put back in for him after being denied
Nich was a bit of a flopper the other night, too bad he denied by molly, she is the biggest hoe
by geoff June 1, 2003
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