114 definitions by geoff

to say dont make fun of, to tell to be nice, something random to get someones attention
whoa dont hate on me i am G.P.
by geoff March 9, 2003
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A coiner of clever terms or phrases, or an observer of new meanings to a term or phrase
Some wag in the artworld once said that sculpture is what you trip over in a gallery when you step back to get a better view of a painting.
by geoff September 14, 2003
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Man with weak flames :)
Man that wilba has weak flames
by geoff April 7, 2005
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Real-Time Strategy. Refers to a strategy-based computer game, generally involving management of an army or civilization.
by geoff January 20, 2003
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An absolutely vital part of computer gaming.
Have you brought your joystick? No? Go home and fetch it then!
by geoff July 30, 2003
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A particularly gnarly wave that thrashes the surfer.
Dude, that thing was mushburger.
by geoff June 28, 2005
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