101 definitions by gary

While screwing a girl in the ass, you pull out and blow the load on the floor. Proceed to rub the girls face in it, while saying "bad dog".
She was being a bitch so I gave her a bad dog.
by gary December 2, 2003
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you fixed that like a taub
by gary October 30, 2003
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The stage inbetween Tipsy and Bladdered.
Im not pissed, im just merry!
by gary December 24, 2004
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fieces that still has visabel traces of food in it like small nuts and sweetcorn
i've just layed a chugnut
by gary March 17, 2004
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My screen name....A bboyy...a video game fanatic....thats all.....
Saywabee91 is my sn.
by gary September 30, 2004
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