129 definitions by gaaraoftheDamned

Note: It's only fair to point out this article may contain spoilers.

Character from the video game Portal 2. Helps you through the first part of the game to the point where you remove Glados from power. At that point he betrays you and sends you to the abandoned part of Apeture Science, forcing you to form a partnership with Glados to stop him.
Wheatley nearly kills Chell and Glados so many times it's not even funny.
by gaaraoftheDamned July 30, 2011
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Perhaps the most popular anime of 2014. Known for fight scenes and high amounts of fanservice.
Take everything that makes Gurren Lagann so epic and everything that makes Fooly Cooly so bizzare and you've got Kill La Kill.
by gaaraoftheDamned March 28, 2014
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A song by legendary Industrial Metal act Ministry from 1984. Usually found only on compilation albums. The song was written in defense of the Goth subculture and criticizes making fun of people who are different. The song greatly represents Ministry's early synthpop style and was rarely performed in concert after the band became Industrial Metal.
Ministry fan A: Dude Ministry's a great band.

Ministry fan B: The only album you have by them is Psalm 69. Great album, but if you were a real fan you'd have a copy of the song Everyday is Halloween, you may not even believe it is Ministry.
by gaaraoftheDamned December 28, 2011
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An awesome 1992 album from legendary Industrial Metal group Ministry. Often known as "Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the way to suck eggs" or ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ (Greek for "Head" and "69"). The album contains two of Ministry's best known hits, "NWO", an anti-war song aimed at then-president George H.W. Bush, and "Just One Fix", which had legendary writer William S. Burroughs.
In order to knock the Justin Bieber out of Seth, I'm going to tie him in a chair, tape his mouth shut, and play Ministry's Psalm 69 album at full volume.
by gaaraoftheDamned January 1, 2011
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Song by English Post-Punk band Joy Division from their Licht und Blindheit EP as well as at least one of their greatest hits albums. The song gained huge popularity when Nine Inch Nails did an amazing cover of it for the soundtrack to the 1994 movie The Crow.
Someone take these dreams away
that point me to another day.
A Duel of personalities
that stretch all true realities.
-From Dead Souls by Joy Division and later covered by NIN

RIP Ian Curtis and Brandon Lee
and thank you Trent Reznor.
by gaaraoftheDamned April 28, 2011
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When large amounts of homework prevent you from doing something you actually want to be doing.
Tim: Hey Jeff wanna go to the Cradle of Filth concert tonight
Jeff: Sorry I can't. I have an essay to write and two pages of math to do
Tim: Ah homework blocked what a shame. I'll bring you back a T-Shirt.
by gaaraoftheDamned October 4, 2011
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Character from the anime series Cowboy Bebop. Don't let the name and appearance fool you; Ed is actually a girl. A very hyperactive, happy-go lucky young kid whose antics tend to annoy most of the crew at times, she proves herself to be more than handy to them as an expert hacker.
When I was ten I had the attention span of Radical Edward.
by gaaraoftheDamned August 14, 2011
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