129 definitions by GaaraoftheDamned

The most overrated show in TV history. Peter Griffin is just Homer Simpson with hair, glasses, and a Boston accent, and the show's most famous jokes are either dragged out too long and/or repeated too many times. Not to mention the show relies too much on pop culture references to be funny. And anytime a song appears on the show (Rock Lobster, Surfin Bird, etc.), then suddenly every teen in America knows everything about the song and band-even if they never heard of either before.
FOX was smart to cancel Family Guy in 2002, but then they stupidly brought it back in 2005.
by GaaraoftheDamned December 14, 2012
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An awesome 2009 Rock music comedy that is horribly underrated. Known as "Pirate Radio" in the U.S., the film is about a group of Renegade Rockers in the 1960s broadcasting Rock n' Roll to the people of Britan all day, every day in a boat off the coast of Britan, when most stations only played jazz. The team is lead by an American DJ simply known as The Count (Phillip Seymour Hoffman). The music and antics attract the attention of Minister Dormandy (Kenneth Branaugh), who plans to shut them down.

Unsuprisingly the film is inspired by the pirate radio stations of the 1960s. The film was laregly panned by critics but is an overall awesome film that you should give a chance (at least) before you die.
I don't feel like watching "The Dark Knight". Let's watch "The Boat that Rocked" instead.
by GaaraoftheDamned January 3, 2011
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A memory that is usually traumatic and made so that it can't be recalled.
Peter started going to a therapist after recalling a repressed memory about being abused by his father.
by GaaraoftheDamned January 24, 2012
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Stupid, pointless method for writing a paper and citing your sources. Dictates that every little detail must be done in a certain way and if you make the smallest mistake then you deserve to fail (and be expelled if your in college).
The paper took me only a half hour, but I ended up spending all night correcting it because of the stupid MLA format rules.
by GaaraoftheDamned October 1, 2012
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Once one of the most important steps in creating and maintaining society, schools in the last 60 years or so have become about as effective as a condom with no covering on the tip.

Multiple factors have contributed to the downfall of school effectiveness, including (but not limited to):

*Teachers that treat students like they're more stupid than they really are

*Schoolboards and administrations that are more concerned with what the students are wearing than what they are learning

*Textbooks so boring and poorly written they make the worst parts of the bible look like the Harry Potter books

*Students who take out their frustrations with the school system on other students, making it hard for anyone to look forward to going

*Assignments, tests, and grading systems that make students start worrying about the smallest, most insignificant things.
Schools are really now nothing but prisons that let you go home every day-so long as you return the next.
by GaaraoftheDamned January 28, 2013
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Note: It's only fair to point out this article may contain spoilers.

Character from the video game Portal 2. Helps you through the first part of the game to the point where you remove Glados from power. At that point he betrays you and sends you to the abandoned part of Apeture Science, forcing you to form a partnership with Glados to stop him.
Wheatley nearly kills Chell and Glados so many times it's not even funny.
by GaaraoftheDamned July 30, 2011
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Perhaps the most popular anime of 2014. Known for fight scenes and high amounts of fanservice.
Take everything that makes Gurren Lagann so epic and everything that makes Fooly Cooly so bizzare and you've got Kill La Kill.
by GaaraoftheDamned March 28, 2014
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