23 definitions by fuzzy

To make someone else look stupid by quoting them and saying something that makes them look like a complete idiot. hence owning them, or pwning them.
that takes place on online message boards. it happens lesser out of that.

other wise to totally beat someone at a game. one player was at full health and destroyed the other player, he sure pwned him.
by fuzzy November 23, 2003
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The tough skin enclosing your elbow.
"Will you masticate my weenis?"

"You left your weenis at my house last night...you might want to come pick it up..."

"You just touched my weenis, what are you thinking you sick perv."
by fuzzy December 27, 2005
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It's what that Russian guy says on that game. He's really this weird wigger that learned how to talk from MC Hammer Tapes. Another word he uses quite frequently would be homeslice.
Word to your brother. Yes. Yes, word indeed.
by fuzzy November 12, 2004
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A zoo with only one animal, generally a small lap dog.
The Melbourne zoo is a shit zoo.
by fuzzy November 21, 2005
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(verb) Used to describe someone or something that is really really, incredibly and indescribably sexy.
"The way you walk your dog is gomperlicious!"

"Damn girl, you is gomperlicious!"

"You think my tractor is gomperlicious."
by fuzzy December 27, 2005
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when something totally pwnz. synonym:pwned
1 Check this out, it pwnies!!

2 *runs into room* PWNIES!!!
by fuzzy November 23, 2003
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