23 definitions by fuzzy

Used at the end of a sentence when you realise that the person you're explaining something to just isn't going to understand.
"An elastic scattering process with incoming particles which displace the out going particles with the combined forces... arrh blerk"
by fuzzy April 11, 2005
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1) The Fox that's the wife of Renmazue and works at The Knife and Riddle Inn on Furcadia. She likes to break things like (but not limited to) glasses, dishes, and Melisende's nose.

2) Bitchy. Disgruntled. Down right mean.
1) Renmazue Flinteye: Hey, did you see Azin outside? I think she broke Mel's nose for the fourth time in a row now.

Tybolt Atreides: !

2) God damn. Stop being such an azin, Azin.
by fuzzy October 20, 2004
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over-sized hotwheels car driven by some dumb rich kid, like in that Dead Kennedys song.
"lets take Dirk's new truck his daddy bought to go to the frat party."
by fuzzy February 8, 2004
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1) Yoko Kanno is the Japanese musicians who does a lot of orchastrated music for animes such as Cowboy Bebop, Wolfs Rain, Escaflowne, Macross Plus, Nobunaga's Ambition, Napple Tale, Ghost in the Shell, and many more. It's insane how much music she's composed over the years and how better it continues to get. Most artist's music seem to decline the longer they're in the business.
1) Yoko Kanno has to be my most favorite composer of all time. She gets Maaya Sakamoto to sing a lot of the stuff she writes, and I love to hear her voice.
by fuzzy October 24, 2004
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n. - a rodeo event played with a card-table, a deck of cards, four contestants, four folding chairs, and a bull. The rules are: the last cowboy to set down his cards and leave the table wins.
Some contests require skill; others require cajones. Cowboy Poker is one of the latter.
by fuzzy June 14, 2006
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Announced into IRC just before quickly quitting, letting everyone in the channel know that you're leaving work for the day.
<@Fuzzy> hometime!
* Quits: Fuzzy (omgwtfhometime!)
by fuzzy April 8, 2005
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Children of Bodom were named in reference to one of the most notorious mass-murders in Scandinavian history.
thats all i know about the word bodom yeah thanx to allmusic.com for the little bit of info.
by fuzzy November 23, 2003
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