33 definitions by flacker

A terrible plan devised by an incompetent leader or madman that will open Pandora's Box.
Man the bad guys in those Indiana Jones movies always have a plandora's box.

Our CEO has a plandora's box that will bankrupt the company!
by flacker May 26, 2009
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1. When having sex, its when the male comes out and thrusts forward missing the hole thus it's a phantom stroke.

2. When white water rafting, it's a paddle stroke you make but you miss the river water below cause the raft got raised up.

Johnny cracks up while watching his favorite porno movie the guy on the video phantom strokes and ruins the girls orgasm.
by flacker October 8, 2005
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A woman who goes after someone who has more than average money. She shoots a little lower than gold diggers, but she's still in it for the money.
Gwen is such a silver miner! She didn't marry a millionaire in Paul, but he's got money since his family owns that local business.
by flacker November 21, 2005
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William, I've lost 37 million due to the economy tanking my stocks! I'm going to drown my decession with this whole bottle of scotch!
by flacker April 3, 2009
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A phrase that seems to make no sense by adding a thought then substracting that thought right back but when pondered it actually did have a meaning. Sports players, comedians, and country musicians are most often heard making full circle phrases.
Some popular full circle phrases.

Yogi Berra: "It's like deja vu all over again"

Toby Keith: "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was"

George Carlin: "What if there were no hypothetical questions"

by flacker February 20, 2006
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When you do something that you can't take back or reverse(i.e. as in you can't un-ring that bell).
Jan's decision to have a one night stand is a rung bell.
by flacker October 21, 2005
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A person who transgendered surgically and is now attacted to people of the same sex they transformed themself to.
"Pat had surgery to change from a man to a woman. Now she's gay! She's an inverted homosexual!"

"Dude, I heard the most screwed up Broke Back story ever. This woman transgendered to a man. Now she, I mean he, is gay!"
by flacker March 23, 2006
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