438 definitions by eric

In favor of liking the ass as if one were gay.
That Jon guy is really an assfaggot!
by eric February 10, 2004
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A happy noise made by a redneck. Similar to the word w00t, and hoo ra.
by eric April 9, 2004
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I finialy got layed last night. Yea but you were stickin guts.
by eric March 28, 2003
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A very feminine girl. Very feminine in her movements. Very feminine looking. What you call a girl that is very feminine.
by eric October 11, 2004
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the occupational term for someone who "swabs the deck" of a peep show booth
john found a dollar on the floor while he was performing his duties of jizz mopping
by eric August 5, 2003
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The bombing of a secondary school by a whacko, with bad hair, living in a shed.
Remember boys and girls, you shouldn't unibomb.`
by eric May 4, 2004
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Person driving an SUV or other oversized vehicle with no regard to the safety of other motorists. They often engage in ludicrous behavior while commanding their pavement-travelling leviathons, including but not limited to (1)yakking on a cell phone (2)swerving in and out of lanes without using a turn signal (3)Playing with the onboard navigation system they don't have a clue how to use
I was almost run off the freeway by some damn road terrorist this morning.
by eric October 29, 2003
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