20 definitions by ducksRpeople2

when one woman knocks quietly but urgently on the door of a public restroom that another woman has been occupying for too damn long.
In an attempt to urge the bag lady in the bathroom at Starbucks to hurry the fuck up, Julie employed a bitch knock.
by ducksRpeople2 September 13, 2011
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to masturbate while fantasizing about having sex with Smurfette.
"Man, Smurfette was lookin so good on Saturday morning's episode...I just HAD to smurf off!"
by ducksRpeople2 August 19, 2011
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when you give friends or family passwords to online accounts, usually streaming services such as HBO, Netflix, etc, so that they do not have to pay for the subscription themselves.
I ghetto-share my Netflix account with my brother 'cause he ain't got a job right now - or a credit card.
by ducksRpeople2 March 24, 2020
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the condition of lethargy and stupidity a man often experiences after busting a nut.
Jim tried to hold a conversation with his wife after they had sex, but his post-nut coma prevented him from saying anything intelligent - and from focusing on anything his wife had to say.
by ducksRpeople2 September 5, 2011
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to go diarrhea; or to take an otherwise messy or explosive shit.
After all them nuclear hot wings Joe had to go drop off the slaughtered Cosby kids at the pool.
by ducksRpeople2 September 13, 2011
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Desiree's been working so much lately the only booty she's been getting has been on-duty booty.
by ducksRpeople2 September 8, 2011
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an insult straight males sometimes sling at each other that is a hybrid between gay and baby.
"Quit being a gaybee and drink the shot!"
by ducksRpeople2 September 9, 2011
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