45 definitions by dsimms

a generic term for any fears that humans may have regarding sex with robots

because robots are really genderless machines, the phobic term "metal pussy teeth" applies to potential harm from any sexbot, male or female or other

"I'd only hit that Terminator chick if I could check her coochie for metal pussy teeth. Every time."

On a humorous side note, the urban myth became such a big concern that the Koreans started printing "No Metal Pussy Teeth" on the outside box of every LG-12 Sexbot, and on all their promotional literature.

by dsimms September 16, 2008
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a sexbot used primarily for oral sex

often true fuckbots include the functionality of a suckbot

"The next generation of suckbots are gonna rock, man! My local sex shop has me down on their list!"

"Loser. Geek."

by dsimms January 14, 2008
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I sent my boyfriend to the store to buy a box of slimdicks.
by dsimms May 23, 2008
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a mens magazine usually filled with pornographic images ranging from scantily-clad young ladies (1950's era), to today's naked titty pics, beaver pics, lesbian, oral, anal, group, fetish, bdsm, and worse

this is the Print Era equivalent of porn web sites

sometimes called "porno"

Yuck. I was looking for my fishing gear in our garage when I found my dad's hidden stash.

Your dad smokes dope?

No man, worse. It was his porn mags. Gross.

by dsimms January 11, 2009
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Dongbot is a slang term for a vibrator - the most rudimentary form of a sexbot or fuckbot. Such devices don't have enough personality to even approach being a lovebot, though rumors persist of many women falling in love with their Jack Rabbits, Red Demons, Black Daddys, and even special showerheads -- all devices designed to maximize female orgasm.

A plain dildo is kind of like a dead vibrator, but could also qualify as a dongbot.

By extension, a dongbot could also be a replica of female sex parts used by men. Usually such devices have 1 to 3 orifices with only a little context surrounding the holes. Like just a face, with eyes, nose, and a fuckable mouth, period. Or some female porn star's crotch, just the crotch, nothing else, no belly, no legs, just 2 holes and maybe some fur. You can see these on the sex toy sites. The less body the more the device is a dongbot. In this respect the penile pump is the ultimate dongbot for males, having no body parts except for a sucking slidy orifice.

By contrast, even a blow-up doll is much more than a dongbot. When sailors took blow-up dolls on long voyages, as bunk mates, these life-size dolls may have even become a limited form of lovebot. Look at Tom Hanks and the volleyball. We humans value sex, but we also long for companionship and love.

Incidentally, according to net sources, Japanese sailors used more of a dongbot than a love doll on long voyages. Called a "Dutch wife" (they got the idea from the Dutch?), this was like a leather pillow with a hole. The interior of the hole was reportedly lined with silk.

As Lenny Bruce once said, men will schtupp anything, even mud. Apparently women aren't much different, they just prefer something long, hard, and tingly. Dongbots are a technological advance over mud and cucumbers. There's just not enough body there to want to marry one.

overheard at an overpriced latte cafe:

"Did you buy another glass dongbot?"

"This one is sexier, it's pink and has a better G-spot bend. I dunno, plastic dongbots just don't do it for me, even ones with synflesh. Seem so artificial. Glass is hard and kinky."
by dsimms February 27, 2008
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a pornographic movie

in the old days (pre-videotape and pre-DVD), porn flicks could be seen on the big screen in porn movie houses, aka adult theaters, or at home on little screens using home projectors playing grainy 16mm films often referred to as "stag films"

today porn flicks can be enjoyed at home on DVD's, or online as mpegs, Flash movies, or iPod/xPod downloads
Dude, let's rent some old-school porn flicks for your bachelor party.
by dsimms January 11, 2009
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1. the define, or architecture, of boundary swell at the little feet and/or human-sized sex organs, applied to attitude, visitude, or moral stance, vis-a-visual real or perceived mechanical meat and motion

2. anything related to the topics of sexbots, lovebots, or fuckbots, inclusive

3. cybersexery

"...harassed less violently because I am at least visually conforming to expectation of sexbottery"
- random quote pulled from Google

"Yo, dawg, meet you on da holodeck for a little sexbottery, you know what I'm sayin?"
"Why are you talking like that, Data?"
by dsimms February 5, 2008
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