43 definitions by de-pube

Someone who tries to screw or cheat you, usually out of money or assets, often acting friendly and pleasant in an insincere way.
by de-pube August 6, 2021
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An upcoming mass movement to persuade President elect Joe Biden and the Democrats to demolish the Mexico–United States barrier aka 'Trump Wall' or 'the wall' that Donald Trump had built during his U.S. presidency.
Mr President, tear down this Trump Wall!
by de-pube December 5, 2020
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Basically a way to get rid of someone permanently, forever. Terminate the relationship with the individual to never speak to them and them ever speak with you.

Can b e used anywhere, to terminate any relationship with that work colleague you dislike, your fuckhead boss or anyone else who gets on your nerves and irritates you, in any walks of life.
him.her: "Blah blah blah blah blah complain complain, blame blame, criticise..."
You: Look, FUCK OFF, you're the cheese off my cock!
by de-pube August 20, 2023
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A statement made towards a male homosexual in the eternal hope that they will be set straight.
by de-pube January 27, 2023
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The number of times you've scored (had sex).
Dude, I've scored 2 roots last month!
You: Bro, it's blokes like you the reason I get so many roots. You're the reason.
by de-pube August 28, 2021
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