fucking cunt

A person who is a cunt to the level of fucking. One level higher than cunt, one level lower than motherfucking cunt, and two levels below thundercunt.
My ex is such a fucking cunt. She told everyone I pissed my pants during the party last night.
by Dubiks January 7, 2019
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fucking cunt

When Peach missed a shot in "Mario Power Tennis", Nick replied with "Fucking Cunt!"
by Skeeball McCracken December 27, 2005
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fucking cunt

Someone originating from, relating to, or currently living in the shithole we know as the state of Florida
That fucking cunt twisted his son's nipples off.
by Deathwouldbealuxury July 22, 2018
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fucking cunt

A person who is a cunt to the level of fucking. One level higher than cunt, one level lower than motherfucking cunt, and two levels below thundercunt.
My ex is such a fucking cunt. She told everyone I pissed my pants during the party last night
by Dubiks January 7, 2019
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fucked cunt

Someone who's fucked in the head, but they're still an all round mad cunt
Shazza: Fuck mate, Gazza's a fucked cunt, I heard he raped a cat once. because it looked at him funny.

Bazza: He's still a mad cunt though aye.
by FUKNSTRAYA September 4, 2015
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Fuck's Cunt

a statement used when something takes you by surprise and pisses you off at the same time usually followed by absconding the person who offended you.
on the subject of a man sampling his own fluid:

Steve: Dude, its not gay if its your own.

Bill: What in Fuck's Cunt are you talking about??? Get out of my house!!!!!
by King Leper September 22, 2010
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Fucking Cunt

compliment for a cunt and still being derogative
Billy: My ex-girlfriend is a cunt
Bob: If she was a Fucking Cunt then she would be worth something.
by MARK CHRISTENSEN October 7, 2007
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