7 definitions by darksongbird


The 11th sign of the zodiac. It is the last Air sign and is usually known to be the most eccentric (different) types of people out of all of the signs. Aquariuses are born between January 20th & February 19th.

Common attributes or qualities of your typical Aquarius is probably being a bit aloof and detached, but friendly, somewhat talkative and very caring, especially on a worldly scale. They tend to be outgoing and their sign is a masculine one (this doesn't mean that all people under this sign are typically masculine).

I've also noticed in music that a lot of Aquariuses are hopeless romantics.

Other air signs are Gemini and Libra.

Famous Aquariuses: Ellen Degeneres and Oprah Winfrey.
Jenna's a Libra. From a sun sign (or zodiac sign) point of view, she is probably going to be more compatible with an Aquarius or a Gemini compared to a water-based Cancer.
by darksongbird March 4, 2009
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1. to make straight. to put in line.
2. to tidy up.

Susan was straightening her room up for the guests that she was expecting tomorrow.

Semaj wanted his long hair straigthened so he decided to go to a beautician instead of doing it himself.
by darksongbird March 21, 2009
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Any planet that navigates around a star, other than the Sun, is an exoplanet.
Many planets (over 200) have been discovered in the nineties that don't go around our Sun. They are exoplanets.
by darksongbird April 2, 2009
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1. to surrender; give up.

2. to require (as in an amount).

Once admitted to the facility, John yielded his electronic devices and money.

My grandma's infamous sweet potato pie yields brown sugar.
by darksongbird April 8, 2009
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not existing. seemingly not there. missing. gone. absent.
Derrick's relationship with his 16 year old brother was almost nonexistent. They barely talked and he didn't really want him interfering with his life.
by darksongbird March 21, 2009
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A sexy act between two men that involves them being naked, and rubbing their penises together.

It can involve one's hand, trying to bring the two together for pleasure, but isn't always a necessity in the act.

Josh frotted with one of his frat brothers last night. It was sensual.

by darksongbird March 21, 2009
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merry. gay. joyous.

(and this is the REAL definition folks. found online and in the dictionary.)
the jovial choir lit up the room and caused a standing ovation.
by darksongbird April 10, 2009
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