48 definitions by danny delinquent

Adjective. Used to describe blatantly overprocessed vocals on recordings, or in a more general sense, as a disparaging description of any and all aspects of overproduced records. Refers to a popular pitch-correcting plugin for Pro Tools digital recording systems.
"Someone tell Britney her voice sounds like autotune."

"Dude, could they have compressed the rhythm guitar a little more? This sounds like autotune, man!"
by danny delinquent December 17, 2004
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A sport in which the only goal is to sit around in the most comfortable position possible. This sport is well complemented by smoking weed.
"What are you going to do after work?"

"I'm gonna go home and do some freestyle loafing. It's gonna be tight."
by danny delinquent March 4, 2004
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To not do anything of particular significance. Can range from running miscellaneous errands around town to doing household chores to freestyle loafing.
"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Oh, just knifin around."
by danny delinquent March 4, 2004
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A pejorative term for the boring, preppy mainstream girls who come to hardcore shows and basically just hold their boyfriend's jackets while they're in the pit.

Coat racks, unlike your garden variety poseur, have no pretense of being part of the scene or the subculture. They're just there because their boyfriends drag them along to the show.
"Yeahhh, she has long straight blonde hair, all made up and dressed cute in Aberfimbie and Crotch. And she's with a dude with short hair and a long sleeved black Bane shirt..... total coatrack."
by danny delinquent February 24, 2004
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Patched, dirty, black clothing, of the kind popular with squatters and crusty punks.
"Oh my god dude, did you see that boy? He was SO HOT."

"You are such a sucker for the squatterwear, he's probably from the suburbs."
by danny delinquent March 17, 2004
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A person or thing which wrecks burgers of any kind. Allegedly the working title of a Wires on Fire EP to be released on Buddyhead Records, but later changed to 'Homewrecker'.
"Ow. My new man is a burgerwrecker. I'm all sore today, I think he stretched me out a little."

"Fuck this dude, let's go to Fatburger. I'll WRECK that burger."
by danny delinquent May 1, 2006
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Noun. A milder form of fucker.
When you steal 5 bucks from your mom's purse to buy weed, you're a fucka. When you steal 40 bucks from your mom's purse to buy weed, you're a fucker.
by danny delinquent December 7, 2003
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