32 definitions by chEesE

to borrow a cigarette from an english chap.
X:Can i bum a fag mate?
Y:I'm not your mate Fag!
X:No no no, a Fag is a cigarette.
by chEesE July 26, 2004
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A dinosaur from the Precambrian era.

Also someone who exibits the properties of a twunt
"That Twuntasaurus stole my bike!"
by chEesE January 11, 2005
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regarding to the members of a certain group feared and loved my all; pretaining to coot,pooter,peanut,dit,oats,jew
"goddamn did you see what they did those guy are remplois"- amazed crowd
by chEesE June 8, 2004
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tiny bubble of upper-class superiority surrounded by ghetto on the east side of columbus, ohio. also known as hell.
person 1: "where did you grow up?"
person 2: "bexley"
person 1: "ouch"
by chEesE April 16, 2004
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a non-muslim elephant
the majestic herd of infidelephants got sploded by the fanatical terrorists
by chEesE July 9, 2005
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To be homor, or homo.
I am homor with Jeff.
by chEesE November 24, 2003
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