by Guinzo March 31, 2003
Ginney/Guinea Italians Pronounced "gi-nee." Came from "Guinea Negro" and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. This dates back to the 1740's. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common.
by nick April 24, 2005
A British Coin, made from Gold exported from Guinea in Africa.
A Guinea is still used in British Horse Racing, and is of the value of one pound and five pence.
The word Guinea is associated with the coin/currency unit in the UK rather than as a reference to Italians.
A Guinea is still used in British Horse Racing, and is of the value of one pound and five pence.
The word Guinea is associated with the coin/currency unit in the UK rather than as a reference to Italians.
by Conran1000 October 29, 2007
The Irish-American word for Italian.
Refrencing the belief that Southern Italians recieved darker genes from the Moore colinization of Sicily, and the similar appearence to people from the Guinea coast of Africa.
It is often interpreted as being called part-nigger and non-white and is usually taken very offensively.
Refrencing the belief that Southern Italians recieved darker genes from the Moore colinization of Sicily, and the similar appearence to people from the Guinea coast of Africa.
It is often interpreted as being called part-nigger and non-white and is usually taken very offensively.
Mick: I hate those Tanglewood guineas. They think they run yonkers. The Westies are comin' motherfuckers!
Guido: Yeah right, paddy!
Guido: Yeah right, paddy!
by Jack Doyle January 13, 2007
a racial slur used on sicilian a race with curly hair ,facial features that closely resembale blacks , and can grow an afro on thiere chins ( the chin fro ), this racial slur is like callin a sicilian a nigger , its origan comes from the fact sicilians mined the gold out of new guinea.
1 you damn guinea you ruined the italian blood line .2 you guineas are the lowest form of life , 3 if sicilians were white we'd be called honkeys not guineas 4 you damn sicilians your a guinea , a wop and cause you got black in you your a nigger . damn guinea ruines the italian name
by ADAM NICOLIA May 7, 2008
To be sure, guinea is a pejorative, racist term for a person of Italian descent. I'm just surprised no one has hit upon my understanding of the word's origin, and therefore, correct shade of meaning. I don't know for certain, but I'd be willing to bet on the guinea fowl, which is:
- a traditional favorite of Italian chefs
- therefore, like its chicken cousins, often raised at the chef's home in a backyard pen, even as late as the mid 20th century
- a visually striking animal, described by my wife the first time she ever saw them as "Alice in Wonderland birds."
- prone to a God-awful racket when so much as gazed at crossly
- capable of frightening young children and the elderly
- a traditional favorite of Italian chefs
- therefore, like its chicken cousins, often raised at the chef's home in a backyard pen, even as late as the mid 20th century
- a visually striking animal, described by my wife the first time she ever saw them as "Alice in Wonderland birds."
- prone to a God-awful racket when so much as gazed at crossly
- capable of frightening young children and the elderly
Little Timmy from down the street has been missing for over two weeks now. Local police suspect he was taken by a roving rogue band of aggressive guinea fowl with a taste for human flesh. The police found his little book sack riddled with bloody peck marks.
by Dave Barnes2 March 1, 2008
by EarthToDavid July 11, 2008