13 definitions by bakerd812

The one rag you will never wash with regular clothes.
I think I'll wash my nut rag. Naw, I'll just throw it away and get another one.
by bakerd812 July 4, 2004
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a sweet fruit; a nice pink, tight pussy
I got plenty of cumquat last night at that party.
by bakerd812 November 23, 2004
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When an erect penis cannot achieve orgasm; When a chick makes a guy horny without finishing the job
That hot chick, I met last night, got me so horny. Then she flat out left me. Talk about blue balls!
by bakerd812 November 22, 2004
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the white shit that comes out of a zit when you pop it
Damn! I got pus on the mirror when I popped that zit!
by bakerd812 February 11, 2004
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a female, usually one that sucks dick
Amanda and all her friends are bucketheads, it'd be easy to pimp them.
by bakerd812 November 22, 2004
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when one enters a public restroom to find all the urinals are being occupied
"What's going on in here? Is this some sort of pissing contest?"
by bakerd812 October 30, 2004
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