11 definitions by awesomeMB9

No one knows what this animal is.

Randy Marsh having sex with one of these started COVID-19.
Stan: What's a pangolin is mom?
Sharon: I'm not even sure. Do you know what a pangolin is, Randy?
Randy: *experiences flashback*
by awesomeMB9 October 2, 2020
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People who hate cobblestone are not grown up.

When people are grown up, they learn how great it is.
SSundee: Cobblestone=Life.
Crainer: I'm not grown up, I hate cobblestone.
by awesomeMB9 October 17, 2020
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Someone who does not use their brain.
Teacher: You did not get a single question right on this test.
Student: I am a republican.
by awesomeMB9 October 5, 2020
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Person 1: I voted for the turd sandwich in the last election.
Person 2: Why would you vote for the Turd Sandwich?
Person 1: Because They're not a giant douche.
by awesomeMB9 July 19, 2022
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Someone who has bad aim and cannot hit anything.
Someone missed the urinal because there is pee all over the wall. There must have been a stormtrooper in here.
by awesomeMB9 September 29, 2020
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The emotion that you feel when you need to go #2
Person 1: Are you Ok?
Person 2: I'm Poo. I was just at Taco Bell.
by awesomeMB9 July 14, 2024
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Something only a Sith deals in.
"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."

"Only a Sith deals in absolutes"
by awesomeMB9 September 26, 2020
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