12 definitions by asdfsa

1-insanely incedible movie about racism in LA
2-crashing, eg: a car/bike/motorcycle/
3-what happens if after, A., how you feel if you do alot of drugs over a long period of time and then suddenly cease it all or b- the comedown of any 'hard' drug
4- suddenly falling asleep
1- "officer, please write a report about how shocked I am to be hit by an asian driver"
2-"FUCK! I crashed my car/bike/motorcycle and now Im a quagraplegic;FUCK!"
3-A"I smoked bud everyday for a mont and a half, then i ran out and crashed; now Im paranoid 24/7 and an insomniac
3-B the heroin user is always really depressed and feels shity after his high goes away;because the brain is reacting to the chemical imbalance of dopeamine in his system
4- "after the 2 hour hockey practice, I crashed in my bathroom,dammit
by asdfsa September 10, 2006
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A person, generally a cauasion 'soccer mom' between the ages of 30 and 50 who is always bitching about violence, sex and language in television, videogames, the internet and the media in general. Is always sheltering his/her child/chidren from the afformentioned sebjects; their favorite topics of 'discussion' include: anything manufactured by Rockstar Games, the adult film industry, and drugs. They generally are jesus freaks and pass judgment on evryone else. And always shelter their children from society instead of educating them about it.
"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! Oh my god, lets lobby to the government and bitch about how 'no one ever thinks of the children!' Before its too late, lets change the Game to an AO so that it becomes nearly impossible to rent or buy and the team of people who worked their asses of to create it get less money!!! Overprotective parent groups of suburbia:GO!"

by asdfsa September 9, 2006
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something that has dissapeared some time ago, no one is exactly sure when. Think about it- If you go infront of the whitehouse with a megaphone and yell "IMPEACH BUSH FOR A BETTER AMERICA!", You'd most likely be arrested (the patriot act was successful in the road of banning free speech). Shit, drugs are illeagal right? We can't even be allowed to control our own goddamm bodies! Does anyone even notice this?! Or are we so used to government control that its become a regular, unquestionable part of life. And the kicker? You don't even have the right to fucking kill your self.
freedom is merely an illusion....
by asdfsa September 24, 2006
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When you open your car window and shout something insulting or meaningless to random pedestrains, best performed with 1.-a driver; 2.-passenger to yell and 3.- someone in the back getting the whole thing on film. Turns out unbeleivably funny if done right.
*father and 4 yearold daughter walking down street*
Driveby insult guy: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS!!!!

*guy unloading signs from pickup truck*

those are drive by insults
by asdfsa September 10, 2006
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something that you need to know how to do if you want any hope of getting laid.
If you want ever want to get laid, learn how to dance.
by asdfsa October 16, 2006
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one who uses (smokes or eats) cannabis recreationally . We tend to be nice people so stop oppressing and scapegoating us for thing like murder, war, and rape for making a PERSONAL LIFE CHOICE to smoke a plant!

the stereotype: long, shaggy hair, crazy facial hair, reeks of ganja, bloodshot eyes, eating copious amounts of junk food, and wearing a 'legalize it' t-shirt. This is what we get labeled as. Ignorance, arrogance, and bad commericials ensue.
stoner: I Made the desicion to take control of my own body by making a life choice to smoke a virtually harmless plant which has been used by mankind for 10,000+ years and never caused a single fatality, and harming no-one.

*is for some reason cut in half by a chainsaw-weilding nazi straight edge teenager and set ablaze by a zombie version of Harry Anslinger*

One of the two: stupid fucking stoners! See what they made me do!!
by asdfsa October 1, 2006
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Once a prosperous nation, now a debt ridden police state. After Bush's illogical foreign policy pissed off the entire world, the tragedy of 9-11 happened. And then our freedoms were reaped via the patriot act and similar laws and acts, thus turning the US into a police state. The most ironic part is that those laws were passed to 'protect the liberties of the American people', it really makes you think.

Soon after, for no reason, George catapulted the US into an illegal oil war. That costs 7 trillion dollars to maintain . And you're paying for it.

Thank you Mr. President
by asdfsa August 18, 2007
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