12 definitions by asdfsa

One of the slang terms for the genus of plants cannabis, can be smoked, eaten, vaporized, or consumed in oils (honey oil, hash oil). When taken, it gives an incedibly peaceful and euphoric effect. Used recreationally, medicanilly, and industrally. It can cure glaucoma, the horrible nausea endured as a result of chemo-therapy and physical aches/pain. Industrally: has literally 1000's of uses as a durable fiber and paper.
Cannabis was banned in 1927.

Anyone else notice that the people who are bashing the plant have large problems with spelling, grammer and organization and seem to give you the impression that they can't have an IQ
in the tripple digits?!

"if u smkoe weede thaem=n yoour a fuknin pot heAd and should be impizzededd for life!!!!"

Have you ever TRIED the drug?

No cuz if i do ill b a pothead

wow...thats ignorance in Its purest form...You do realize that you're insulting a plant right?
by asdfsa September 15, 2006
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The greatest drummer to have ever walked the earth, hands down.
Buddy is the reason why 95% percent of drummers started playing. Myself included.

(look him up on drummerworld.com)
I saw a Buddy Rich video when I was about 4 years old, I've been playing ever since.
After these 15 years that percussion has been in my life, I still look up to him as my god.
by asdfsa November 26, 2007
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Something that a typical Texan will say...anyone "messing" with Texas is an impossibality because states are not allowed to have conflicts with other states let alone foreign countries...you dumbshits
by asdfsa October 7, 2006
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1-insanely incedible movie about racism in LA
2-crashing, eg: a car/bike/motorcycle/
3-what happens if after, A., how you feel if you do alot of drugs over a long period of time and then suddenly cease it all or b- the comedown of any 'hard' drug
4- suddenly falling asleep
1- "officer, please write a report about how shocked I am to be hit by an asian driver"
2-"FUCK! I crashed my car/bike/motorcycle and now Im a quagraplegic;FUCK!"
3-A"I smoked bud everyday for a mont and a half, then i ran out and crashed; now Im paranoid 24/7 and an insomniac
3-B the heroin user is always really depressed and feels shity after his high goes away;because the brain is reacting to the chemical imbalance of dopeamine in his system
4- "after the 2 hour hockey practice, I crashed in my bathroom,dammit
by asdfsa September 10, 2006
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Any cannabis (marijuana) that is smuggled into the country, tends to come from mexico. It is of extremely low quality because: it was badly grown and/or has been impregnated (or, it was schwag to begin with) , it is dried way the hell out by the sun, then compressed and flattened into bricks, for ease of smuggling . All of the activities aformentioned cause the plant to lose THC. And by the time anyone is stupid enough to buy it, its got about 2%-3% THC. And when smoked, it tastes like shit, it harsh on your lungs/throat and will generally take 15-25 hits to actually feel a goddamm buzz.
Any real smoker would rather have a dimebag of White Widow than a kilo of brick bud.
by asdfsa September 17, 2006
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something that has dissapeared some time ago, no one is exactly sure when. Think about it- If you go infront of the whitehouse with a megaphone and yell "IMPEACH BUSH FOR A BETTER AMERICA!", You'd most likely be arrested (the patriot act was successful in the road of banning free speech). Shit, drugs are illeagal right? We can't even be allowed to control our own goddamm bodies! Does anyone even notice this?! Or are we so used to government control that its become a regular, unquestionable part of life. And the kicker? You don't even have the right to fucking kill your self.
freedom is merely an illusion....
by asdfsa September 24, 2006
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When you open your car window and shout something insulting or meaningless to random pedestrains, best performed with 1.-a driver; 2.-passenger to yell and 3.- someone in the back getting the whole thing on film. Turns out unbeleivably funny if done right.
*father and 4 yearold daughter walking down street*
Driveby insult guy: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS!!!!

*guy unloading signs from pickup truck*

those are drive by insults
by asdfsa September 10, 2006
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