16 definitions by Zandroid

A millenia-era dance move that involves twitching and flopping on the floor whilst mimicking the Pokémon Magikarp.
While doing The Magikarp, Jerry flipped repeatedly on the marble tiles yelping "karp, Karp!"
by Zandroid August 18, 2017
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A rebellious, emo shyguy with fairy wings and a wand who likes screamo and killing people.
That Quickie-la sure is evil!
by Zandroid February 5, 2008
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The sputum-like seminal juices occurring post-climax in pleasant spurts
He dick sneezed on my face the moment I achieved clitoral orgasm
by Zandroid December 4, 2017
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A subtype of Monarch programming used by the CIA involving the use of the popular mythological demigoddess of the same name.
The girl was a Lilith type so it was easy to sell her ass
by Zandroid August 19, 2017
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An obsession, usually of sexual nature.
She had a strange, unrealistic fetish for hackers and strong doppelgangers in suits
by Zandroid August 19, 2017
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I woke up and got a 16 oz fast beer to begin the workday
by Zandroid August 18, 2017
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A tweaker-infested, stretched-out town with overbearing heat located in the desert of central California. For having about as gross of nature as Rosie O'Donnell's sweaty crotch, Bakersfield has almost half a million victims to it's polluted, gang-infested shit-hole. It is rumored that once you move there, you never can escape it's magnetic pull, and your life will never reach its full potential.
"I heard that my drug dealer moved to Bakersfield from L.A. Now I have to find a new contact. Shouldn't be too hard."
by Zandroid April 8, 2012
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