24 definitions by Yet Another Josh Cohen
A photo of a cat doing a seemingly-innocuous thing, with large text superimposed. Sort of an offshoot of the orly owl. Also called cat macros
"I made you a cookie but I eated it", "ceiling cat is watching you masturbate", and "I see what you did there" are good examples of lolcats.
by Yet Another Josh Cohen February 9, 2007
When driving a Prius, you can view a bar-graph of your fuel consumption over the past 30 minutes. A "prius tetris" is when you go five consecutive minutes (or more) at 99.9 miles per gallon. This shows on your bar-graph as a long, straight bar, similar to the four-high bars in Tetris.
by Yet Another Josh Cohen March 10, 2009
corporate doublespeak for "we don't want to do our best, so let's make sure people think we're doing our best without revealing that we're not doing our best" -- anything in which you have to "manage expectations" means you could probably devote more time and effort to making things better, but you just don't feel like it
Marketing has to manage expectations of our new software package so that the boss doesn't make us do any more work.
by Yet Another Josh Cohen January 12, 2007
A party, usually attended by women or couples (but almost never just by men, and single men are almost never invited unless they're of the homosexual occasion). It is held at one person's house. That person may or may not be the host. Whomever the host actually is will come to the party with several large plastic bins filled with sex toys, lingerie, lubricants, and oils.
Kind of like a Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, or Tupperware party.
Kind of like a Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simple, or Tupperware party.
Ever since my wife came home with all that stuff from the fuckerware party, she hasn't had sex with me.
by Yet Another Josh Cohen February 27, 2006
The percentage number that indicates how nice someone's ass looks inside their pants, shorts, bathing suit, skirt, dress, or underwear. The closer to 100%, the better that ass looks. May be abbreviated as ATP.
"Denise always buys the pants that make her butt look perfect. Every day, she's got a 100% ass-to-pants ratio."
by Yet Another Josh Cohen November 13, 2007
Something that happened in the past. No one talks about it, no one knows exactly what it was. But everyone agrees that it was something embarassing or bad.
From "Calvin and Hobbes".
From "Calvin and Hobbes".
(At a 20-year High School Reunion)
Wife: Why is everyone looking at you funny?
Husband: They must not have forgotten the noodle incident.
Wife: You never told me about that. What was it?
Husband: ... ... it was... the noodle incident. (looks away shamefully)
Wife: (goes off to find someone to explain this to her)
Wife: Why is everyone looking at you funny?
Husband: They must not have forgotten the noodle incident.
Wife: You never told me about that. What was it?
Husband: ... ... it was... the noodle incident. (looks away shamefully)
Wife: (goes off to find someone to explain this to her)
by Yet Another Josh Cohen September 22, 2006
The "twist ending" that pervades science fiction, horror, mystery, and fantasy writing, television, or film -- basically, anything that might get the label "genre". The classic example is that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time.
Marlene: Hey, did you watch Criminal Minds last week?
Jill: Yeah, but I figured out the genre twist just before they revealed the kid was the killer.
Marlene: I got it before the end of the second commercial break.
Jill: Yeah, but I figured out the genre twist just before they revealed the kid was the killer.
Marlene: I got it before the end of the second commercial break.
by Yet Another Josh Cohen April 27, 2009