14 definitions by Tyler Sadex

Someone who enjoys sticking their nose into people rectums and then proceeds to sniff hardcore. Also known as a rectum reader.
Mathias: Oh man Beth you are such a miffler.
Beth: Tyler, I hate you.
Me: Huh?
by Tyler Sadex May 20, 2004
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Jesus Chirst...A misspelling on one of Mathias' shirts in which is ironic, because his shirt sais "School of Higher Learning".
Jesus chirst, this shirt has a mistake on it...awexome.
by Tyler Sadex May 19, 2004
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Person who lies constantly and tries to make themselves seem cool, also a person who acts different when you are hanging out with him only, then when you are hanging with him in a group.
Gooberface Mcfaggleberry: Man, I am so cool, I totally made out with Hottie McSparklepants last night.
Josh: No you didn't Gooberface...No, you didn't.
by Tyler Sadex May 21, 2004
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Someone who loves to say stupid things spontaneously, also someone who likes to say something that was funny once, repetitively.
Tommy: Hey dude, PINEAPPLE BUTT!!! Hahahaha(annoying laugh)
Ben: Dude, Tommy, that was funny once, that was it, you ferq.
by Tyler Sadex May 20, 2004
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A loser who failed his temps test half a dozen times and didn't get his lisence till he was 19.
Chris: Oh man, we are on our way to college.
Torey: Yeah, hey did you here that TJ just got his lisence?
Chris: But isn't he 19?
Torey: Yeah, he is a Joneser.
by Tyler Sadex May 19, 2004
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A word to use instead of the ever so lame and overused word, awkward.
Me: (spontaneously) Dude, Mathias's ass is so freakin' hairy...
You: (thinking to say awkward, but remembers UrbanDictionary.com) Queird...
by Tyler Sadex May 16, 2004
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A different word to use when you feel like saying the word awkward, because awkward has been used ever too much lately. Also, the first word that comes to mind when you see the amount of hair on Mathias's ass.
Person 1: (spontaneously)I think I just piddled myself.
Person 2: (thinking to say awkward, but then remembers Mathias's hairy ass).....queerish
by Tyler Sadex May 14, 2004
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