34 definitions by Tummy Augratin

The cheerleading squad at a high school or college.
Nan's primarily qualification for college was she was a member of the whore corps. That narrowed it down to Texas A&M.
by Tummy Augratin February 27, 2006
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Army lingo for the male sexual organ; the penis. Typically used in the phrase "tube steak & white gravy," a reference to an ejaulating penis, inserted into one of the drill/platoon/top sergeants' numerous gay slurs directed at subordinates.
"You're going to love the main course at the chow hall," the D.I. told the raw-ass recruit. "It's tube steak & white gravy and you can have all you want!"
by Tummy Augratin February 26, 2006
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A female soldier (Army usage circa 1980s).

See also: Foxtrot Papa
"My sister Puss in Boots 'n they threatin' to send her ass to Iraq."

"Say what?"

"She-it, niggah. She a supply sergeant in the Army, you dumb muthafuckah!"
by Tummy Augratin February 26, 2006
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1. A sanitary napkin.

2. A tampon.

So-called as before the advent of sanitary napkins in the 20th Century, women typically used rags to control the flow of menstrual blood during their periods.
Can you believe it? I told Brenda I was going out for a six-pack and she has me pick up a box of cunt rags!
by Tummy Augratin February 27, 2006
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1. Large, fleshy appendages on men who are passing towards or who have entered into middleage, where fat from the consumption of beer has accumulated on what was once pectoral muscle.

2. Calcified pectoral muscles gone to flab; closely related to "'That Old Man Needs a Bra' Syndrome".
The blind date fizzled when Sally got a gander at Chuck's beer tits.

Frank Costanza's sagging beer tits were the inspiration for the "Bro" (also known as the "mansiere") which he developed with Cosmo Kramer.
by Tummy Augratin February 28, 2006
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Noun. A rather rapid expulsion of methane gas built up in the bowels as a flatus via the anus, typically with a loud report; a fart.
"Whoah, Nelly! That was some bowel breeze you cut during gym class, Stan!"
by Tummy Augratin February 24, 2006
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