"I MIXX!"-Anthony Seabrook
by chucky843 February 28, 2008
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1. Can be a verb, as in "to mixx." Like, TALKING TALKING with someone, as in about to date. Also, this verb can pretty much replace any other verb you'd like, as long as it's not stupid.

2. Referring to a member of the opposite sex that you have relations with , usually sexual. Most commonly used by a boy referring to a girl.
1. "Dude, you got a cigarette? I'm about to mixx."

2. "I'm gonna go over to tha lil mixx's house for a quick mixx, mixx out."
by mixxxxxers January 7, 2008
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Me and my dawgs about to mixx at this party.
by Eckley August 21, 2007
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