98 definitions by Travis

Oh fuck YO mamma, you shit-eating cocksucker. You can eat shit and die you fucking good-for-nothing piece of shit. I am fucking serious when I say burn in Hell, you fucking ass-spelonker. Suck my cock FUCKER.
-Your mom has fices in her vagina-

- P.P.S. is for fags
IF I wanted to do your mom, it would be as easy as schnigglepuffs.
by Travis March 14, 2005
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Tyler, it is spelled schnigglepuffs, not schigglepuffs. As in: That test was as easy as schnigglepuffs.
Punching through that window was as easy as schnigglepuffs.
Getting your mom in bed was as easy as schnigglepuffs.
by Travis March 12, 2005
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german word for pussy, should be used to fool your friends, and those chicks.
I love moushy day in and day out.
by Travis January 15, 2005
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having sex at the hot springs. This can sometimes lead to bladder infections
ow, it hurts when I pee.

you went to the soak and poke didnt you?

how did you know?
by Travis April 17, 2006
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Usual uttered by a person that is trying to call another person ignorant but doesn't know how to pronounce it, let alone define it. Making them, in fact, the ignorant one.
He's so ignernt, always makin fun of me.
by Travis October 2, 2003
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