98 definitions by Travis


Spartinburg football sucks
go Gaffney.
Gaffney is the best in the Big 16.
by Travis July 27, 2004
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Bedunkadunk is a word to describe a really nice ass on a woman. It can also be used to describe a fat chick's ass, or an ass on a chubby chick.
"Damn man, that chick has a bedunkadunk!"

"Wow man, look at that bedunkadunk!"
by Travis July 5, 2004
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purple poon

an urban slang term for a black females vagina.
"man shaunda has a beutifully purple poon"
"dude your mom has purple poon"
"i love the purple poon"
by Travis October 27, 2004
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soppy cunt

Used by Europeans (English, etc.).
You spilled me pint you soppy cunt, you! I outa box your ears!
by Travis December 8, 2004
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house raping

going to someones house even if you dont like them just to eat their food then leave...
dude I got house raped today, matt and eddie came over and so took my fucking food then like left! i was like I JUST GOT HOUSE RAPED!
by Travis May 14, 2003
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road rules

A group of people recruited by MTV to do ridiculously lame missions in a winnabago with a fake cow skull on the hood. The road rules team usually consists of a big breasted hot chick, a black man who starts fights everyone who is usually the outcast, a gay man/and or lesbian, etc.
I'd rather masturbate to Madonna than watch Road Rules.
by Travis July 18, 2003
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A word used instead of ouch, also commonly used to show dislike of someting
bob gets hit by sally and bob yells" Quarbo"
by Travis March 20, 2005
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