6 definitions by ThePsychoSmurf

A headset microphone. Specifically, any in-the-ear or ear-bud style communication device.
"Everyone make sure your HERPES is on."
by ThePsychoSmurf September 23, 2020
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Broken, busted, or non-functional.
"My computer is totally banjax. I'm going to have to get a new one"
by ThePsychoSmurf September 23, 2020
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Sudden, unexpected, and unwanted explosive diarrhea or similar. Not to be confused with a "Code Brown" which is a normal bowel movement.
by ThePsychoSmurf September 23, 2020
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A living creature from another reality/dimension/plane of existence. An extra-dimensional being.
"An ultraterrestrial life form stepped through the glowing rift in space-time."
by ThePsychoSmurf September 23, 2020
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A portmanteau combining the words geek and sexy. Something or someone that excites one in a "geeky" manner. Not necessarily erotic or arousing.
"That new graphic card you got is real gexy!"
by ThePsychoSmurf September 23, 2020
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