545 definitions by Telephony

When you find that your beloved pet dog or cat has piddled (pissed, passed micturition, uranated, pottied, peed, etc.) all over the floor (the kitchen floor in particular; but carpeted floors throughout the house would still qualify), you sing this little jingle.
{Sung to the tune of the nursery rhyme, "The Farmer in the Dell"}:

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫

Don't step in the litter box ♫

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫
by Telephony August 31, 2016
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Very similar to a peon; some bungsnoipe who is regarded as a nobody -- usually at their place of employ, but in this case the bogus pisson can be at other locations too such as at bars, nightclubs, dance halls, etc.

This phrase came into existance from the Anthrax album "Among the Living" that was released in 1987; specifically in the song "Imitation of Life".
How many times have you heard this today?
Some bogus pisson saying 'Let's do lunch babe!'
For them this bullshit, it's their whole life;
Cut through the bullshit with a knife!
by Telephony December 18, 2011
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Somebody who infuses molten glass with an anion oxide of the heavy metal uranium, thus creating Vaseline glass marbles aka. uranated glass marbles -- although other items such as ashtrays, vases, commemorative glass insulators, etc. can be made with it.

Not to be confused with urinal or even urinator.
Hey Bob! Did you know that Husoos is a uranator now?
Yeah, he got a job at the Vaseline glass marble factory about three weeks ago.
by Telephony January 2, 2013
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Acting in a totally irrational manner; e.g. lying in bed all day and getting other household members (not even related to you) to do all of your bidding; e.g., getting you a cup of water when the tap is only eight feet away, getting them to steal rollios when the cabinet that it's in is only three feet away, not washing any of their dishes or dealing with the boatload of garbage in their room, forcing others to cook food (stolen from other housemates) and serve it to you on a silver platter, etc.
Man, Heidi is developing a terrible case of Debbieitis! She never picks up her garbage or washes even a single dish! I'm really getting shitted off at the little cunt!!! :-(
by Telephony September 8, 2019
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What somebody who hates to have to constantly refill a birdbath might call it.
{Martha}: Kevin, I told you to refill that goddamn birdbath every day!
{Kevin}: Aw mom, I forgot. I'll get the hose and fill the damn birddouche right away.
by Telephony August 21, 2013
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{Betty}: Hey Chris, did you cat eat another hampster?
{Chris}: You stupid cunt!!! It's H-A-M-S-T-E-R!!! No fucking "P"!!!
by Telephony January 15, 2021
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Another name for the axillae (armpits).
{John}: Hey Marcus, look at that dude coming out of the bar! He's got these huge, dinner plate-size salt-encrustulated wet puddles in his pittles!

{Marcus}: Ewww yuck! Hasn't that asshaberdasher ever heard of Mitchum?!?
by Telephony July 16, 2014
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