23 definitions by TeaInTheMoment

The act of intermittently singing and listening to a song during the lyrical parts as opposed to singing along.
I can't help singlistening to (insert name of your favorite band) whenever I hear them.

I wanted to sing along during the show but the lead singer was so good I ended up singlistening.

My vocal range is bad so I have to singlisten whenever I jam out in my car alone!
by TeaInTheMoment November 7, 2017
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A phrase to describe reality TV shows with little in the way of actual content.
You guys have my full respect for watching the whole episode. I could NOT get through it because it was a nothing-burger.
by TeaInTheMoment June 28, 2017
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When you're not able to get to sleep because you're waiting for a text message or some other form of electronic communication.
Terri: How did you sleep last night?
Ali: Not that great. I had notification insomnia because James is in Afghanistan and I was waiting to hear from him.
by TeaInTheMoment May 2, 2019
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A phrase used to indicate one is ready, willing, and able to do something in a peaceful, zen-like manner.
Sharla: Are you ready to leave for the store?
Peter: Let's do this like Buddhists.
by TeaInTheMoment January 19, 2021
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Mother: How are your toofers feeling since the extractions?
Daughter: my teeth ok getting better everyday 👍
by TeaInTheMoment December 29, 2018
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A derogatory name for a person watching an episodic series during the actual time during which each episode is released to the public.
Matthew and Angelica are real time chumps; I much prefer watching a show after it's conclusion to being left hanging and glued to the TV every week like they are.

I was the biggest real time chump when the series Lost was being aired for the first time on ABC in the '00s.

OMG OMG OMG! Addicted to the new season of The Bachelor #realtimechump
@mariadaniels88 on Twitter

Between Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, I'm no longer a real time chump but then again, I can't discuss any of the shows currently airing either. #firstworldproblems
by TeaInTheMoment January 9, 2018
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A condition in which the afflicted person doesn't watch any programming that isn't on the video-on-demand service Netflix to the exclusion of all other video-on-demand services.

This could be due to economical reasons or simply a personal preference.
Alex is Netflixated; if it's not on Netflix, Alex won't watch it so don't even bother suggesting it!

Unaffected Person: Did you see (insert the name of the show)?
Netflixated Person: Is it on Netflix?

I get so frustrated with people who are Netflixated because they can't discuss anything that isn't on Netflix!

Don't talk about (insert name of show) or you'll spoil it for me because I'm Netflixated and I've only seen seasons 1-4 since that's all Netflix has.

Unaffected Person: Thanks for recommending (insert name of obscure show)--I loved it! How did you find it?
Netflixated Person: Oh, no problem. I'm Netflixated and know about all kinds of interesting programs deep in the bowels of Netflix.
by TeaInTheMoment February 24, 2018
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