26 definitions by Tbone

it's what makes the world go round baby
yo bitch dont touch my chetta
by Tbone January 18, 2005
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Go out drinking with your friends and take home the biggest broad you can find - have your friends get a head start on the way home and get them into your closet. When you get the fat broad on all fours and begin to hammer away doggie style, have your friends jump outta the closet and the goal is to hang on as long as you can!
I was able ride the bucking bronco for 24.3 seconds until I was tossed off any the rodio clowns had to tame the beast!
by Tbone March 20, 2005
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If you are male, it refers to one of your testicles, usually the itchest or sorest. If you are female then it refers to one of your breasts, usually the smaller or most sensitive one. Using it in plural refers to both organs / glands.
"Don't even try to kick me in my undercutters, beyatch!" or "My right undercutter is really sensitive today! Don't fondle it so hard!"
by Tbone December 28, 2004
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He is the former dictator and oppressor of Iraq. For twenty years he tortured and murdered people all over Iran and Iraq. Until the late 1980's he was seen as the lesser of two evils by the US compared to Iran. Then he tried to bite the hand that fed him. He got stomped. Twelve years later he got stomped again hiding and developing illegal weapons, the bad treatment of his people, being a general skid mark and dissing W (you don't diss W, he comes from Texas, they invented death and asskicking).

The French sided with him against the US, Britons, Aussies etc because He was the number one supplier of oil to France (it's all about the oil with those frogs). He sold oil to the French at really low prices in the oil for food program, however no food ever showed up, just cash for Saddam. Note: The French are the only nation to have their asses kicked by Algeria.

Other Europeans were against us because they were bullied by France and Germany with the threat of not being allowed into NATO.

Democrats just hate W and will do or say anything, no matter how dumb.

The Germans have had their asses kicked enough that not even the grand children of the once great German war machine are willing to fight for anything.

Nevertheless, no matter what those parties say W still sent in the boys to Ike Saddam and his Camel Droppings of an Army.

It is common for Frenchmen, Germans, some Europeans and De
Saddam Hussein claimed to be a valiant warrior who will crush the American Army. Where is Saddam now? I guess he is only good for torturing little kids. Whatta douche.
by Tbone July 4, 2003
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Originally created by taco bell, a derrivative of the modern day taco. Chalupa may be used in a plethora of new age linguistic formats. Its use has no boundaries nor restrictions.
"You really dropped the chalupa on that one"..
or, "The chalupa flies at midnite"
or, "That chick really inhaled one too many chalupas"
by Tbone February 23, 2005
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Way to describe someone or something that you don't like. May also be used as a transative verb.
Which niggar took the last donut? Or What the niggar do you think your doing?
by Tbone April 22, 2004
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The ugly bitch that somehow finds her way into a magazine that is supposed to feature hot women only. When the page is turned to her the reader suprised with unpleasantness... sort of like a landmine.
Watch out Janet Reno is on page 63 of Playboy this month.
by Tbone July 16, 2003
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